Ongoing Projects (2015-onwards)
- Invasive species of New Jersey, all databased and digitized, will be available online shortly
- Rare and endangered plants of NJ , currently databasing and digitizing
- Dimmick specimens, all mounted and digitized, filed into collection, special collection website under construction
- Digitization of all macroalgae (in collaboration with The New York Botanical Garden, funded by National Science Foundation) - funded, not yet started
- Historical botany: research into prominent historical female botanical collectors of the Chrysler Herbarium
- Flora of New Jersey Project, home herbarium
Past Projects (2005-2015)
- "The establishment and persistence of plants introduced to New Jersey by solid ballast on ships" poster presented at the 2008 Botanical Society of America conference in Vancouver, Canada.
- Digitization of all liverworts, hornworts, and mosses (in collaboration with The New York Botanical Garden, funded by National Science Foundation)
- Digitization of all liverworts, and mosses (in collaboration with The New York Botanical Garden, funded by National Science Foundation) - web
- Dr. Ilnicki's Weed collection, all specimens repaired, curated, and filed into Vascular Plant collection.
- Rutgers - Newark collection, all specimens repaired, curated, and filed into Vascular Plant collection
- Depository for vouchers and DNA tissue bank collection for the ICBG Central Asia project (Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan)